The Coherence Group

Our Vision
The Coherence Group is motivated by the vision of people around the world, in all walks of life, understanding the sense and meaning behind others' behavior, and thereby being able to live in harmony and mutual respect. To this end we aim to spread the paradigm of emotional coherence whenever and wherever possible.
Projects under Development
Coherence Coaching training program
A handbook on the topic of listening: It will offer a thorough foundation and opportunities for building valuable skills, and will serve as a manual covering all coherence-related topics on this website and more.
Elise Kushner, HP Psychotherapy (Germany), is Assistant Director of Development at the Coherence Psychology Institute, certified practitioner of Coherence Therapy, systemic coach, and trainer in the areas of interpersonal communication, coaching competencies, and gender awareness. Elise is also a composer and choral director.
Robin Ticic, HP Psychotherapy (Germany), is Director of Development and Training at the Coherence Psychology Institute, served for many years as a psychologist for the Psychotraumatology Institute of the University of Cologne, and is in private practice near Cologne, Germany. She is a certified trainer of Coherence Therapy and conducts clinical workshops internationally. She is coauthor of Unlocking the Emotional Brain: Eliminating Symptoms at Their Roots Using Memory Reconsolidation and author of the parenting guide How to Connect with Your Child, with extensive experience in parent counseling and training. Robin has been honored for community service.
Tor Wennerberg, MSc, is a licensed clinical psychologist and organizational consultant in Stockholm, Sweden. He is the author of two books on attachment theory and differentiation theory, published in 2010 and 2013, respectively, which have been widely used in psychotherapy training programs in Sweden. A chapter in his most recent book introduced Coherence Therapy for a Swedish professional audience. He has also been a regular contributor to the Journal of the Swedish Psychological Association.